Terumah – Exodus 25:1-27:19

The photograph above was taken by Nehemia Gordon, about which he writes:

The “Temple Institute” created this replica of the Menorah which they intend to be used in the future Temple. The replica is gold-plated instead of solid gold as commanded in the Torah (Exodus 25:36, 39). It also has a stepped base instead of a tripod as in the earliest Jewish artistic representations of the Menorah. The stepped base comes from the portrayal of the Menorah on the Arch of Titus in Rome. Location: Jewish Quarter, Old City, Jerusalem.


  1. George Porey says

    The Torah Pearls are a memorial blessing, yearly.

    Ironically, the point is made here that Yehovah caused Israel to pillage Egypt of many things needed for the Tabernacle, but they overlook the skins of sea critters as coming from Egypt. Egypt does border on the Mediterranean Sea.

  2. Robert Roland says

    I’d like to see a debate between Nehemiah Gordon and Rabbi Tovia Singer over the Oral law.

  3. Mark Blue says

    Just to comment on what still may be in the Ark: The word of Yehowah is forever, but as for bread, wood, and even gold, they become corrupted. (To the extent of my understanding of scripture.) So not surprising to me that only the words He Himself carved are still there, the other stuff was just for the generations of Moses, however long that lasted. Exodus 16:33

  4. Donna says

    What happen to the jar of mana and Aaron’s staff that was placed before the Ark? 1st King and Chronicles states only the stone tablets were in the Ark.

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