Lech Lecha – Genesis 12:1-17:27

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1 Comment

  1. Gavriel says

    I agree with Nehemia there is no way to know how Avram’s walk with Yah started, i guess we could look at our own lives / walk, do we remember how it started and what or whom influenced us? If we look how old Noah was when Avram (had at least 50 years to learn from his forefathers excl Terach) was born there is a good chance that Avram had been taught by his great forefather the Truth about YHWH and His covenant.
    Anyway what we can say is that by his faith he lived and kept the covenant of Yah as can be quite clearly seen – by his faith he showed his works and by his works he showed his faith – Shimah and Asah and Asah and Shimah.

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