Tovia Singer – What is His Son’s Name?

“Who has ascended into heaven, or descended?
Who has gathered the wind in His fists?
Who has bound the waters in a garment?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is His name, and what is His Son’s name,
If you know?” – Proverbs 30:4
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  1. Jeff says

    Interesting show! My biggest questions are; to whom the prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18 is regarding and are there any signs given directly about this prophet throughout TaNaKh? I have heard some people state it was Joshua (the next leader of Israel). If that is the case, why do we even care about just another anointed person?

  2. jono vandor says

    Great questions Jeff! Jason and I have a speed study coming out on that very topic. It is entitled “The Prophet Greater than Moses?” Stay tuned! 🙂

  3. Adinah says

    Tovia when you said the analogy about the smokers in the room, it made total sense it took me three years of Torah study to rid me of christianity. In my fourth year I am finally free.

  4. Mike says

    RE: Kings not to “multiply” wives comment by Tovi.
    What about 2Samuel 12:7 Nathan then said to David, “You are the man! Thus says the LORD God of Israel, ‘It is I who anointed you king over Israel and it is I who delivered you from the hand of Saul. 8‘I also gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives into your care, and I gave you the house of Israel and Judah; and if that had been too little, I would have added to you many more things like these!

  5. Christy says

    Amen Adinah, me too. Although I still catch myself doing it here and there.

    One thing most people don’t realize when using this particular verse as “proof-text” is it’s not the son who is ascending and descending, or established the ends of the earth, it’s the Father only. Nothing in this verse indicates the son doing anything – it’s all the Father!

  6. Andrea says

    Great teaching. Thank you Rabbi Singer, it just makes sense when you explain it. Wish everyone who brings that verse up to defend jesus/yeshua could listen and grasp what you said. I was going to ask Jono and Jason about this one too, glad my friend Ida asked. I now have a better understanding of these verses and will know how to respond when christians bring this up. Shalom to you all. I appreciate you men so much! I love to listen to your vidoes and glean as much wisdom from them as I can.

  7. Tzofiya says

    Thanks Jono, nice show- love when you bring on Tovia Singer. The smoke filled room is an excellent example of how to look at the teachings of christ, once you leave. Lol 🙂 well done!

  8. eileen says

    John 3, the conversation did take place, Nicodememus as a witness states ‘we(more than one) know “you are” a teacher “who” has come “from God” this certified that God is truth”how many times has God testified that this is his son many times? Proverbs ‘young woman’ is talking about leaving Gods word for the world & its idols,hence the ship thru the sea leaving no trail. Solomon? …..when did God stop taking to Solomon(I do not recall that he had a prophet)?? & no man can have two masters. Son of God met a Greek model? so does the flood that destroyed earth that does not make mythology out of Jesus as the Son. Water into wine, the baptism, Mary,The kingdom of God is at hand “if I do healing With The ‘Finger’ of God”, The alef & tav, Jesus/Yeshua is not a creation. And what is said about the blindness of His people? Vanity vanity……Yeshua/Jesus Is Your Creator!

  9. eileen says

    Hebrew meaning=Nicodemus: innocent of blood. The witnesses: in public Nicodemus asked for Yeshua’s body, the public burial tomb w/Roman guards & who’s tomb was it, Nicodemus piety to do Yeshua’s burial, the purchased enought burial spices for the burial of a ‘king witnesses that Yeshua/Jesus is king of the Jews. Now WHY would the DOCument of John 3 be a Fake? The burial sign over Yeshua spoke in three languages “YHVH”, i am sure there was a reason/witness or more ‘mere Greek thought’ for that SIGN (Do not the Jews ask for a SIGN!) Was Adam & Eve a virgin birth?

  10. jono vandor says

    Eileen, Yehovah disagrees with your conclusion:
    “For thus says Yehovah,
    Who created the heavens,
    Who is God,
    Who formed the earth and made it,
    Who has established it,
    Who did not create it in vain,
    Who formed it to be inhabited:
    “I am Yehovah, and there is no other.” – Isaiah 45:18

  11. eileen says

    Isa 45:18, #430 (He-God) is ‘plural’ meaning more than one. The One (plural=I & my Father are= One) the story line talking in previous verses which connect to 44:9 He-God is talking to ‘man’ the subject: that their gods of wood are carved images.
    Gen 11:7 let Us go.
    I AM there is no other is true, because the I AM the alef/tav is the one in authority conversing to His earthly servant…. they have no other redeemer but the I AM/WHO. Yet The Father & The Son are One in thought & deed.

  12. eileen says

    I read it. (British?)Royal English: is still plural for it insists on someone not seen.
    Obtrusive repetition of ‘I’: (unwelcome?) the lack of the usage of ‘I’ hints of lack of vocabulary(or a silent lie).
    American English: ‘give us a break’ on a poster/song, it would still include others with knowledge.
    Royal Tanach: ‘we shall say’ is a plural group benefit with one presenter/speaker.
    Devine we: ‘ for us’ (I never saw a ‘we’ writen down?) is a group benefit. Elohim plural masculine,’echad’ is two being one as demonstrated in Genesis night/day echad =same yet different, Adam/Eve echad= one flesh same yet different.
    *Memrah*: sages/rabbi acknowledge throught out the Torah ‘memrah’ as a ‘manifest presence’, such as Abram’s encounters with the Lord/messengers. Shema: a type of unity (as one).
    One might question such Royal usage on ancient letters/documents (letters verse legal documents). I respect Mr.Gordon he has been kind enough to be at some messianic confrences and has ventured for others to expand their knowledge. Yet as for me (I) believe Yeshua/Jesus is the ‘manifested presence’ ( since no one can see The Father and live) is Son/God and serves The Father God, echad. Thank you Jono.

  13. Valerie says

    rabbi Singer I really related to the smoke filled room ! as my Beit Din is coming closer I am so at peace yet excited !

  14. Penina says

    Wowza! Fabulous show. I like when Jono and Jason talk with Tovia Singer. It makes a few more Christian cooties fall off. We need the truth. Thank you for providing it.

  15. frank morris says

    I have a question, the topic you did about on the messiah being born in Bethlehem , in the book of Micah speaking about a look tower for the sheperads it stood tower to been seen maybe there is where Jesus was born, also he was wrap in swallowing cloths like the sacrifice animals where wrap so they wouldn’t get hurt, how is this for a topic, or just answer it for me, I am so bless I got out of that religion , B”H.

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