Vayyera – Genesis 18:1-22:24

Who were the three men Abraham saw? What can we learn from the cheese burger of the Bible? What is the meaning of the name Isaac? Was the sin of Sodom really homosexuality? Was Ishmael scoffing, mocking, or something else altogether? The Torah clearly states that human sacrifice is an abomination to God, how then are we to understand the command to Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac? “In your seed all the nations of the earth may be…grafted”?

Nehemia Gordon – Ezekiel 18 & 33

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  1. Gavriel says

    Shabbat Shalom – i view the presence of three men one being the possible shekina of YHWH in this way. No man has ever seen the face of Elohim and lived, The Living Word (Torah) (which became flesh), that dwells amongst us, was there inthebeginning as detailed for us in the first few verses of Bereshit and in as written by Yochanan in the Brit Chadashah, so from this perspective i believe this representation of YHWH was Yehoshua or Yeshua – As Yeshua said, Moses wrote of Me, and if you do not believe Moses how can you believe me?!
    I guess it’s a matter of faith?!
    Shalom Gav

  2. Paul Rollins says

    Interesting torah pearl regarding Hagar and Ishmaeul being cast out because Ishmael was sexually molesting Isaac. And also the truth about being grafted instead of blessed. The truth stands plain as day in the Hebrew. Thank you for producing these shows.

  3. jono vandor says

    Gavriel, where did Moses write of Yeshua?

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