Job 23:1-17

On the first day of the pagan new year we consider the Hebrew word “Echad” found in Job 23:13, “He is one”

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  1. Tara Jawor says

    Out of all the programs that you have. This one was the one that made the biggest impact on me spiritually. Although it was one of the hardest studies to listen to. Anyone’s suffering isn’t the funnest to listen to. It really hit me this program… echad. God is One. When people ask me what it was that changed my mind about religion I now just shrug and say Job Chapter 23 because it is the truth. I will never forget the first time I heard this one. Thank you guys for doing these programs. Blessings!

  2. jono vandor says

    Thank you, Tara, for your wonderful comment. I’m so glad the program helped you!

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