Behar – Leviticus 25:1-26:2

After discovering our original recording for Behar was missing we quickly reassembled to discuss topics such as: How is one to observe the Sabbatical year and when is it anyway? Is the Jubilee year 49 or 50 years? We also proclaimed the “Lord of sabaoth” our Redeemer! (oh, and somewhere in there we mentioned Martin Luther.)

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  1. Gavriel says

    Shalom, the way i read verse 25:2 in Hebrew & English is very clear – YHWH is speaking to bnay Israel, when the children of Israel come into the land that YHWH gives them, (the land of Cana’an) there shall be Sabbath for the land, a Sabbath for YHWH.

    It couldn’t be any clearer, He is not talking to the goyim but b’nay Israel and refering to Ha’aretz Yisrael.

    Toda raba

  2. Gavriel says

    I enjoy your Sabbath parashas they are very informative and enjoyable at the same time. It is so sad when we look at the history of man made religions eg Christianity, Orthodox Judaism, Islam etc, and even more so when we hear about the persecutions carried throughout history by not only Catholicism, Lutheran, but by those loyal to these institutionalized religions.
    I pray Aveenu Shebashamayim will open their hearts and minds before His great day so they can start to obey Yehoshua Mashichaynu…..

    Shalom u’vrakhot


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