Yoel ben Shlomo – Light of the Prophets – 1 Samuel 18:1-16 + The Issue of Tzitzit & the Kippa


…the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. – 1 Samuel 18:1

Yoel ben Shlomo – Should Women Wear Tzitzit?

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  1. Elena says

    Hallo Jono and Joel,

    thanks again for an interesting broadcast. I have a question about tzittzits. Most Jews wear white ones, but recently I met a rabbi who was wearing white and blue ones, just like those shown in the photo presenting this broadcast.
    Do the colors point to specific streams/sects of Judaism or is it just a matter of aestethics?
    Can someone wear orange or red or green tzitzits if he likes?

    Bye for now,

  2. Jade says

    Great discussion, as always! But I wouldn’t be too quick to bash the micro-tallit. I wouldn’t personally wear one, but I think it captures the Spirit of the command (wearing something that has four corners/sides that tzitzit with a string of blue can hang from and remind the wearer of God’s commands to do them). Plus, it seems to be a great first step to get some people who are new to Torah to wear tzitzit while everything in their life is changing. To some, the culture difference is a big deal. Baby steps are better than no steps.

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